Sullivan’s Island Home Site

Sullivan’s Island GPS Shorelines

The shorelines presented in the file below represent High Water Lines surveyed in the field. Each was collected at a different high tide level using WAAS enabled GPS on a 0ne-second point collection setting (each node collected 1 second apart). The surveys were carried out on a Fat-Tire bike (Shore LIne Measurement Machine - SLIMM). The location of the most recent high water line was assessed in the field. The timing of each survey was planned just after high tide. The actual ‘wet/dry’ line was not used since that includes wave runup. Instead, the beach morphology was assessed to highlight the most likely location of the average water (without runup). As mentioned, each survey was done at a different tide level; the kmz file has the tide level (Charleston Tide Gauge) in the atrributes for each shoreline in meters above NAVD88; just click on the line after loading in Google Earth.
