Bluff Stability Analysis Using 15 Years of Lidar Data

Geoscience Consultants, LLC (Geoscience) was contracted by McSweeney Engineers to examine some of the historical and physical changes to the bluff shoreline at Magnolia Plantation along the Ashley River. To help answer these questions Geoscience leveraged about 15 years (2006/7-2020) of lidar data to assess elevation trends along the bluff shoreline in concert with the lithology and morphology of the bluff.

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Coupled Coastal and Riverine Risk Modeling - TNC Northcoast Project

The North Coast project in Georgetown and Horry Counties (SC) grew from TNC’s Coast Summit in 2016 where riverine flooding was highlighted as a problem that held opportunity for nature based mitigation projects. Geoscience Consultants was hired to provide an understanding of localized flood risk at present and under future climate change. This information will help community stakeholders identify locations where green infrastructure can be used to mitigate increasing flooding issues.

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Sea Level Rise and Infrastructure Vulnerability - Beaufort SC

This project focused on identifying the potential infrastructure problems that will exist as sea level rise (SLR) occurs and determining how those effects can be minimized or mitigated to ensure that the needs of both the local communities and the military facilities are accommodated. This is particularly significant in the Beaufort area due to the fact that water and sewer services are provided to the military facilities by the same regional provider that serves the local communities; and local roads, highways and bridges provide the only access to MCAS Beaufort and MCRD Parris Island.

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Graveline Bayou, MS - Analysis of Marsh Elevations and Habitat Restoration Needs

To assess habitat restoration needs Geoscience Consultants was hired to examine marsh substrate elevation differences caused by the existence of a causeway running across the bayou. The reduced flow inland of the causeway may have limited natural accretion thus limiting the ability of the marsh substrate to maintain equilibrium with the optimum growth conditions.

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